An Old-Style Record Shop Presents a New Business Model

In an era of digital downloads and music on the go, a 44-year-old entrepreneur is about to open a Lansdowne, Pennsylvania-based store that will sell vinyl records.

As reported in this Delco News Network article, Andrea DiFabio’s new record shop — Vinyl Revival — promises a return to a time when shopping for music was a touchy-feely experience.  The store will open its doors to the public in mid-August.

“I think the interest in vinyl never went away for record collectors but a new generation of music fans is coming to appreciate the warm sound and the experience of sitting down and listening to a record. The artwork on many record covers is also another draw,” says DiFabio.

In addition to records, Vinyl Revival will stock unusual gifts such as handbags made from recycled album covers, pillows made from cast-off band/concert T-shirts, clocks and mirrors made from reused vinyl records as well as original artwork and jewelry — all with a music theme.

Since DiFabio’s space has a 40-seat theater, she is partnering with the FirstGlance Film Festival to offer a variety of features, documentaries, short films and live music events to be showcased in a First Friday screening series. “With the opening of Vinyl Revival, I look forward to reaching out to the community of artistic-minded people who value alternative entertainment and unique products as much as I do,” she tells Delco News Network.

DiFabio also wants her shop to be a destination — a place where you can put on headphones, listen to some records and chat about music with other customers.

“Growing up, I loved hanging out at my local record store,” she says. “I hope to get people excited about music when they discover an older artist who is new to them or a new artist they never heard about.”

About Lynne Strang

I'm a freelance writer who helps organizations and individuals meet their marketing and communications goals. I am also the author of "Late-Blooming Entrepreneurs: Eight Principles for Starting a Business After Age 40." To learn more, please visit my website:
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12 Responses to An Old-Style Record Shop Presents a New Business Model

  1. bagladyboutique says:

    Reblogged this on Bag Lady Boutique.

  2. 2ssimington says:

    I like what she has done. I still have my own vinyl records from way back when. Wish I could have opened up a place. Good luck to her!

  3. I grew up with 331/3s, but not 78s. It would be fun to explore those.

    • lbstrang says:

      I think it would be fun, too. Hopefully other people agree — and at least some of them will check out the new store if they’re in the Lansdowne area.

  4. Reblogged this on whenwherenow7's Blog and commented:
    This is really a cool idea, I hope it works and is sucessful! I really do believe that technology, in a way, is taking away parts of our lives to really interact with others face to face on a more personal level. Plus its giving jobs to computers, we had a music store in our mall and a gallery of sound in a strip mall. Not many places carry CD’s so the picking in my area is so slim, anyone’s best bet is to go to a pawn shop. I’d like to see more “Mom & Pop” shops come back, less reliance on the internet to give us what we want within minutes and even seconds! It is a part of societies problem with ignorance, it seems like nobody cares about fighting for rights or even living except in cyberland.

    • lbstrang says:

      Technology offers many benefits but it can’t replace those precious times spent with friends enjoying a common hobby or interest — such as listening to music together. Thanks for the reblog!

  5. Ben Kreider says:

    Nothing new. Muncie has had two vinyl shops for more than a decade, and vinyl sales have been on the rise for just as long or longer. The fans are there and willing to spend. The interesting component here is the theater angle. Don’t rely on solely retail offerings, but try something new that will give you another revenue stream and maybe draw in people who wouldn’t have initially been interested in vinyl, but have that artistic interest that could turn them into future buyers and collectors.

    • lbstrang says:

      Thanks for mentioning Muncie’s shops. I should have qualified my post to indicate this is a new (or maybe renewed) business model for one geographic area, rather than the general marketplace. Appreciate your comment.

  6. I recently saw another article (link below) on the sales increase of vinyl records. Good luck to her.

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