Michael Jackson — a Savvy Entrepreneur

Music wasn’t Michael Jackson’s only talent. He was a sharp, polished entrepreneur who knew his audience and who, until his death in 2009, was constantly trying to improve his product and refine his brand.

In an interview with BusinessNewsDaily, Joe Vogel, author of “Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson,” says one of Jackson’s greatest qualities was “his ability to envision something in his mind – something bold and different and innovative – and then have the willpower and work ethic to realize it.  He was constantly challenging himself and those around him to push beyond the ordinary.”

Vogel tells BusinessNewsDaily that Jackson often had friends and collaborators read “Jonathan Livingston Seagull,” which is about refusing to conform and striving for excellence.  “You see, even with his “This Is It” concerts at the age of 50, he wouldn’t accept mediocrity,” Vogel says. “He wanted the shows to be unlike anything people had experienced before.”

In addition, Vogel says he thinks Jackson “was a lot like Steve Jobs in that each new product – whether an album or video or single – was an event.”

You can read the full BusinessNewsDaily interview here.

About Lynne Strang

I'm a freelance writer who helps organizations and individuals meet their marketing and communications goals. I am also the author of "Late-Blooming Entrepreneurs: Eight Principles for Starting a Business After Age 40." To learn more, please visit my website: lynnebeverlystrang.com.
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